Broad Creative

Meal Time Magic

Beyond the Bib is a mom-founded line of sauces and dips designed to solve the challenge of making sure picky eaters get their fill of veggies while bringing a little mealtime magic to the table.

Taking inspiration from the moments of imagination often found at dinnertime—such as pretending tomato sauce is lava and broccolis are trees or making smiley faces and shapes out of different sauces—we crafted a timeless brand identity that taps into whimsy and mealtime adventure. Transparency was key, as we wanted it clear that these sauces are veggie-packed. To bring this to life, we embraced a retro, risograph-inspired illustration style, where the offset overlaps reflect the beautifully imperfect nature of mealtime.


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Creating an irresistible brand for an irresistible snack.